Rhetors live in fear. If the incanter view of the world is widely believed, their power will cease to function.

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The same is true for Incanters. This is why, after the Third Sack, the number of Orders was reduced and they were shuffled so that Procians and Halikaarnians had to live amongst one another. (Why are there Procians at the Concent of Saunt Edhar? What Procian would volunteer to go there?) Ideological discordance prevents the coherence of all the consciousnesses in the causal domain that’s required to facilitate these feats.

That’s also why only Edharians are allowed atop the Crag at Saunt Edhar, and why Jad always has plausible deniability in mixed company. He only does his absolutely wild shit when only Erasmas is around, and only after slowly indoctrinating Erasmas to believe in it (with his early “a century ago” comment to him and Lio, and then later explaining the mythology of how radiation waste handlers could invent a form of the praxis).

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Interesting. I guess I assumed a lone incanter could still steer the narrative while a rhetor requires a consensus to alter the past.

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